
Sunday 27 October 2019


I think when I wrote this post in 2013 I had a plan to write one similar every year. I suspect that perhaps instagram #BestIn2014 was invented and therefore I never got round to it. This post I have called 2019...but I guess anything since 2013 that feels relevant to share will be included

- I've been living in London for 6 years, it does feel like 10+

- In 2013 I was just starting out my career in Fashion Tech and since then left, joined again and ran away from it screaming

- I still think about the man mirror designs and in fact recently showed it in a new starter presentation to my team. It will likely always be a way to reflect on how far I've come

- This year I turned 30 and we drank a brewery dry & I was reminded of how lucky I am to have so much love and friendship in my life

- My Dad came to the Dolphin

- I am still redefining what a loving relationship really means with my monumental life partner, MW (We still haven't worked out whether video games will cause our ultimate demise) 

- I'll write a book when I know more

- Me and my partner in crime, K are bossing the world of podcasting, one episode and one prison at a time

- Bird Podcast won an award!

- I've been on holiday every month this year (Gothenburg, Dorset, Italy, Santorini, Venice, Sardinia, Lake District, Copenhagen, Jersey, France, Croatia, Tunisia, Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg)  - the life of a contractor was good

- 46 Lothair Road North is no more

- #10Woody makes up 20% of all crime drama consumption in the UK

- ...And all crumpet consumption

- I've just started a permanent job working on defining a decentralised, decarbonised energy grid. Quite the leap from Louis Vuitton and rings shaped like ice lollies that cos £300k (Bye bye holidays, but hello mini world takeover)

- I work with way too many men, but careful what you wish for - as I used to pray for the opposite in fashion

- People are starting to leave London

- Dave & Louella had a baby

- The Central line and the entrance to Finsbury park tube are my least favourite places at 8am (Who am I kidding - 9am) 

- I probably need to write a sitcom about my daily work life as a catharsis and duty to women who work

- The Goldfinch film just no

- Too scared to watch 'Sorry we missed you' - have broken down twice at the trailer

Here's to enjoying the rest of the year and on to the next - Destination Unknown

Life is good. Thank you to everyone who's in it.

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